We designed our curriculum as a response to the 2014 National Curriculum, and worked closely with both staff and pupils.
Our curriculum has been designed so that pupils have access to a broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum which raises standards and improves outcomes. Our aim is to excite and engage pupils, and equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to enhance their learning and improve their life chances. In recognition of the importance of the promotion of a lifelong love of reading and using reading to learn, reading opportunities are embedded in all subjects across the curriculum.
We value the diversity of individuals within our schools. All children have equal access to the curriculum and are treated fairly regardless of race, religion or ability. Our curriculum is designed to reflect the diversity of the schools and our society.
Through our curriculum, children acquire knowledge and develop valuable skills, and pupils have the opportunity to be creative, physically active and academically challenged.
Spiritual, moral, cultural and social development opportunities are woven into in the curriculum, alongside British values, in order to support children’s personal development and prepare children for life in Modern Britain. We believe strongly in the importance of an enriched curriculum in order to deepen pupils’ understanding of topics taught and build in enrichment activities to further extend children’s knowledge and understanding which include both class visits and workshops.
Our curriculum is structured so that pupils’ knowledge can develop incrementally over time as knowledge is built on and deepened so that it remains in pupils’ long term memories, and pupils are regularly given opportunities to revisit what they know in order to deepen and extend their understanding. Throughout the curriculum, there is a progression from the simpler concepts to more complex ones.
Our intent
- Follow the national curriculum requirements in all subjects.
- Provide a language rich curriculum to develop and broaden pupils’ vocabulary
- Ensure that prior learning is built on and deepened in order so that it remains in pupils’ long term memory
- Expose pupils to a range of subjects, experiences and vocabulary in order to spark their interest in learning and the world around them
- Promote and sustain a thirst for knowledge and a love of learning
- Promote inclusion, diversity and community cohesion
- Develop emotional intelligence and raise aspirations
- Contribute to pupils’ social, moral, spiritual and cultural development.
- Ensure pupils achieve high standards across a variety of subjects.
- Ensure pupils are taught the essential knowledge in the subject disciplines.
- Develop resilience and problem-solving skills.
- Enable children to lead a fulfilling, healthy life.
- Be cross-curricular and make links where appropriate.
- Use the rich local environment as a basis for learning and educational visits.
- Have a strong focus in English – including speaking and listening opportunities, and opportunities to read and write across the curriculum.
- Involve workshops and specialist visitors to enhance the curriculum.
Our curriculum is implemented through half-termly topics which have been carefully planned to ensure that the expectations of the National curriculum are covered and there is clear progression. Where possible, we use high quality texts which link in with the topic being studied.
We passionately believe that children should have an enriched curriculum and we use the local rich environment we have in order to broaden pupils’ experiences where possible. As well as class visits and immersion days, we also organise workshops delivered by external agencies. From Y1 upwards, pupils typically go on a trip or have a workshop every half term.
We also promote special events during the year through themed weeks. These include friendship week, book week, e-safety week and sports week.
For further information about how our curriculum is implemented, please see our curriculum framework, topic webs and individual subject rationales.
We measure the impact of our curriculum in different ways, and it is monitored throughout the year by members of SLT and subject leads. This is done in a range of ways including:-
- Data analysis
- Looking at children’s work and other evidence of outcomes
- Lesson observations
- Feedback from children
- Feedback from teachers
To find out more about the curriculum being followed please contact: Julie Ireland – Headteacher.
2024 2025 curriculum overview – click here
Year 1 term 2 – overview to Year 1 parents – Year 2 term 2 – overview to Year 2 parents – Year 3 term 2 – overview to Year 3 parents – Year 4 term 2 – overview to Year 4 parents – Year 5 term2 – overview to Year 5 parents – Year 6 term 2 – overview to Year 6 parents
At the River Peck Federation, we want our children to love art, craft and design.
We recognise the importance of pupils’ artistic development, and art plays an important part in our curriculum.
The River Peck Federation aims to inspire and develop children’s confidence to experiment and invent their own works of art. We follow the AccessArt Primary Art Curriculum which has been developed by experts in their fields. This knowledge and skills rich curriculum allows pupils to learn a wide range of skills, developing understanding as well as clear progression throughout that builds on previous learning.
The scheme of work supports pupils to meet the National Curriculum end of Key Stage attainment targets.
At the River Peck Federation, Art is taught in every year group, once a week during the first half term of every term for 6 weeks.
Each child has a sketchbook. We give the child ownership of their sketchbooks in order to foster a sense of independence and creativity. Children use their sketchbooks to make initial sketches, develops ideas, skills and opinions and complete finished pieces.
Throughout their River Peck journey, every child is given the opportunity to learn the skills of drawing and sketchbooks, surface and colour and working in three dimensions through the exploration of initial key artists, craft makers or designers and their own work.
In the development of confident art critics, the pupils share their opinions and make informed observations about what will improve their own practical work.
Children have opportunities to visit local art galleries and museums as well as visits from art organisations such as Magic Lantern Art.
Art is not restricted to the Art lesson and to ensure that Art and Design is embedded in our whole school curriculum children often have the opportunity to apply their art skills and support their learning in other areas.
The art process and finished products are celebrated and displayed around the school as well as on social media.
Teachers follow the AccessArt pathways to ensure that all pupils are challenged in line with their year group expectations and are given the opportunity to build on their prior knowledge.
Opportunities to reflect and develop, including through the use of sketchbooks, and time for self and peer assessment are planned into each pathway.
Effective CPD are available to staff through videos and online meetings which are available to staff to ensure high levels of confidence and knowledge are maintained.
The impact of our art and design curriculum can be seen not only in our children’s sketch books but also through classroom displays and the school environment.
Through following a clear and comprehensive scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum, it expected that teaching and learning will show progression across all key stages within the strands of Art and Design. It is our aim that children will retain knowledge and skills taught within each unit of work, remember these and understand how to use and apply these in their own art work, whilst beginning to understand what being in ‘artist’ means. Ongoing assessment is based upon lots of conversation, to discover intention and understanding as well as looking at outcomes of the journey and the end result.
At the River Peck Federation, we are able to measure the impact that Art and Design has had for all children by:
- Summative assessment of pupil discussions about their learning.
- Images of the children’s practical learning.
- Interviewing the pupils about their learning (pupil voice).
Children in Foundation Stage are assessed within Expressive Arts and Design
By the time children leave school, we want them to have developed a passion for art and creativity, working both independently and collaboratively. They will have grown in confidence when using a range of tools and techniques, becoming artists that can apply the skills and knowledge that they have developed throughout the years and respond critically to their own and other’s work.
The River Peck Federation
Computing rationale
Through our computing curriculum, our aim is that pupils become autonomous and independent users of technology which prepares then for 21st century life.
We do that by teaching the following strands:
Digital Literacy:
- Using technology and the Internet safely, respectfully and responsibly
- Understanding the uses of the Internet for communication
- Knowing when and where to ask for help and support
- Understanding and using search technologies effectively
Computer Science:
- Algorithms and sequences of instructions
- Computer programming and coding, both on screen and with physical systems
- Logical thinking and problem solving
- How computers, networks and the Internet are organised
- The uses of computer systems in the wider world
Information and Communication Technology (ICT): This area can be broken down into the following key areas:
- Digital Publishing and Presentation
- Digital Data
- Digital Media
- Digital Research
Computing and ICT Scheme of Work
The school has a detailed scheme of work for Computing and ICT that breaks down the broad elements of the National Curriculum into more focused learning objective
Computing Strands
Medium Term Plans for the Computer Science and Digital Literacy Strands of the Computing curriculum have been written by the ICT consultant.
These plans include:
- Learning Objectives
- Suggested Lesson Activities
- Resources and Weblinks
Teaching strategies might include:
- Using the computer or appropriate presentation technologies (i.e. data projector, interactive whiteboard etc) to demonstrate to a group of pupils or the whole class
- Leading a group or class discussion about the benefits and limitations of ICT in the wider world as well as the classroom
- Working with individual, pairs or groups to support and scaffold practical activities and teach computing and ICT skills
Pupils might engage in:
- Individual, paired or group work developing Computing and ICT concepts and skills
- Collaborative and co-operative activities in groups.
- Guided discussion and evaluation of work-in-progress and finished work.
- Evaluating their own and others work and giving written and verbal feedback
- Pupils working individually (independently or supported by an adult)
- Group and paired work with devices such as data loggers, digital cameras, robots etc
Pupils are taught the correct subject specific and technical vocabulary consistently across the school and are given opportunities to consolidate their understanding e.g. resources and displays are appropriately labelled.
We use a variety of ways to measure the impact of our history curriculum including.
- Teacher assessment which will be through questionnaires
- Looking at children’s work and other evidence of outcomes
- Learning Walks
- Pupil Voice/reflections
- Feedback from staff/reflections
- Google classroom looks/folder looks
- Progression e.g. support KS1 to log in and in KS2 they can do it independently
Design and Technology
At the River Peck Federation we aim to inspire pupils to be innovative and creative thinkers who have an appreciation for the product design cycle through ideation, creation, and evaluation. We want pupils to develop the confidence take risks, through drafting design concepts, modelling and testing and to be reflective learners who evaluate their work and the work of others. By following the Kapow Primary’s Design and Technology we aim to build an awareness of the impact of the design and technology on our lives and encourage pupils to become resourceful, enterprising citizens who will have the skills to contribute to future design advancements.
Kapow’s Design and Technology scheme of work enables pupils to meet the end of key stage attainment targets in the National Curriculum and the aims also align with those in the National Curriculum. EYFS( Reception) units provide opportunities for pupils’ to work towards the Development matters statement and the Early Learning Goals.
The Design and technology National curriculum outlines the three main stages of the design process: design, make and evaluate. Each stage of the design process is underpinned by technical knowledge which encompasses the contextual, historical, and technical understanding required for each strand. Cooking and nutrition* has a separate section, with a focus on specific principles, skills and techniques in food, including where food comes from, diet and seasonality.
The National curriculum organises the Design and technology attainment targets under four subheadings: Design, Make, Evaluate, and Technical knowledge.
- Design ● Make ● Evaluate ● Technical knowledge
Cooking and nutrition is given a particular focus in the National curriculum and we have made this one of our six key areas that pupils revisit throughout their time in primary school:
- Cooking and nutrition ● Mechanisms/ Mechanical systems
- Structures ● Textiles
- Electrical systems (KS2 only) ● Digital world (KS2 only)
Kapow Primary’s Design and technology scheme has a clear progression of skills and knowledge within these strands and key areas across each year group.
Our National curriculum overview shows which of our units cover each of the National curriculum attainment targets as well as each of the four strands.
Our Progression of skills shows the skills and knowledge that are taught within each year group and how these skills develop to ensure that attainment targets are securely met by the end of each key stage.
Through Kapow Primary’s Design and technology scheme, pupils respond to design briefs and scenarios that require consideration of the needs of others, developing their skills in the six key areas.
Each of our key areas follows the design process (design, make and evaluate) and has a particular theme and focus from the technical knowledge or cooking and nutrition section of the curriculum. The Kapow Primary scheme is a spiral curriculum, with key areas revisited again and again with increasing complexity, allowing pupils to revisit and build on their previous learning.
Lessons incorporate a range of teaching strategies from independent tasks, paired and group work including practical hands-on, computer-based and inventive tasks. This variety means that lessons are engaging and appeal to those with a variety of learning styles. Adaptive teaching guidance is available for every lesson to ensure that lessons can be accessed by all pupils and opportunities to stretch pupils’ learning are available when required. Knowledge organisers for each unit support pupils in building a foundation of factual knowledge by encouraging recall of key facts and vocabulary.
Strong subject knowledge is vital for staff to be able to deliver a highly effective and robust Design and Technology curriculum. Teachers are supported with ongoing CPD when using the Kapow scheme of work. The scheme provides videos to develop subject knowledge and model skills to ensure our teaching of Design and Technology is of the highest quality and ensure pupil progression.
Design and technology is taught in five times four week blocks throughout the year. Pupils are given opportunities to learn in a variety of ways such as independent tasks, paired and group work including practical hands-on, computer-based and inventive tasks. This variety means that lessons are engaging and appeal to those with a variety of learning styles.
At The River Peck Federation we aim to enhance Design and technology provision by taking parts in projects with outside agencies. In the past, children have taken part in an architecture project organised by RIBA and aim to do a set design project organised by English National Opera.
The impact of Kapow Primary’s scheme can be constantly
The impact of Kapow Primary’s scheme can be constantly monitored through both formative and summative assessment opportunities. Each lesson includes guidance to support teachers in assessing pupils against the learning objectives. Furthermore, each unit has a unit quiz and knowledge catcher which can be used at the start and/ or end of the unit.
After the implementation of Kapow Primary Design and technology, pupils should leave school equipped with a range of skills to enable them to succeed in their secondary education and be innovative and resourceful members of society.
The expected impact of following the Kapow Primary Design and technology scheme of work is that children will:
- Understand the functional and aesthetic properties of a range of materials and resources.
- Understand how to use and combine tools to carry out different processes for shaping, decorating, and manufacturing products.
- Build and apply a repertoire of skills, knowledge and understanding to produce high quality, innovative outcomes, including models, prototypes, CAD, and products to fulfil the needs of users, clients, and scenarios.
- Understand and apply the principles of healthy eating, diets, and recipes, including key processes, food groups and cooking equipment.
- Have an appreciation for key individuals, inventions, and events in history and of today that impact our world.
- Recognise where our decisions can impact the wider world in terms of community, social and environmental issues.
- Self-evaluate and reflect on learning at different stages and identify areas to improve.
- Meet the end of key stage expectations outlined in the National curriculum for Design and technology.
- Meet the end of key stage expectations outlined in the National curriculum for Computing.
The River Peck Federation
English rationale
English is at the very heart of our curriculum. We strongly believe that a high-quality education in English means that pupils are able to both speak and write fluently which allows them to communicate both their ideas and emotions. We place great emphasis upon reading for we believe that becoming a lifelong reader is the most important skill a child can learn. Reading enables pupils to develop in a variety of ways: culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually.
We believe that all our children can become fluent readers and writers and place an importance on early reading. We strongly believe that learning to read leads to reading to learn. Therefore, we teach reading through Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised, which is a systematic and synthetic phonics programme. Phonics is taught from early years and we follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised which ensures children build on their growing knowledge of the alphabetic code, mastering phonics to read and spell as they move through the school.
We model the application of the alphabetic code through phonics in shared reading and writing, both inside and outside of the phonics lessons and across the curriculum. The strong focus on language development in the early years gives children speaking and listening skills which they can then translate into reading and writing in all subjects.
The value we place on reading means that by the time children leave us, they read confidently for meaning and regularly enjoy reading for pleasure. Our readers are also equipped with the tools to tackle unfamiliar vocabulary. Our aim is that pupils see themselves as readers for both pleasure and purpose.
We have a Reading Leader who drives the early reading programme in our school. This person is highly skilled at teaching phonics and reading and they monitor and support our reading team, so everyone teaches with fidelity to the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised programme.
The teaching of English develops the children’s ability to listen, speak, read and write for a range of purposes. Children use language to communicate ideas, views and feelings – both in spoken and written form.
Through our English curriculum, we encourage pupils to express themselves creatively and imaginatively and use their knowledge, skills and understanding in speaking and writing across a wide range of experiences and genres.
Our main aim in reading is that by the end of primary school, pupils are able to read fluently and with confidence in any subject in their forthcoming secondary education and beyond as they show a lifelong love for reading.
Phonics and reading in EY and KS1
Daily phonics lessons in reception and Year 1
- We teach phonics for 30 minutes a day. In Reception, we build from 10-minute lessons, with additional daily oral blending games, to the full-length lesson as quickly as possible. Each Friday, we review the week’s teaching to help children become fluent readers.
- We follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised expectations for progress:
- Children in reception are taught and spell words using Phase 2 and 3 GPCs, and words with adjacent consonants (Phase 4) with fluency and accuracy.
- Children in Year 1 review Phase 3 and 4 and are taught to read and spell words using Phase 5 GPCs with fluency and accuracy.
Daily keep-up lessons ensure every child learns to read
- Any child who needs additional practice has Daily keep-up support, taught by a fully trained adult. Keep-up lessons match the structure of class teaching, and use the same procedures, resources and mantras, but in small steps with more repetition, so that every child secures their learning.
- We timetable daily phonics lessons for any child in Year 2 who is not fully fluent at reading or has not passed the Phonics Screening Check. These children urgently need to catch up, so the gap between themselves and their peers does not widen. We use Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised assessments to identify gaps in their phonics knowledge and teach to these using the Keep-up resources – at pace.
- If any child from Year 1 to Year 6 has gaps in their phonics knowledge when reading or writing, we plan phonics ‘catch up’ lessons to address specific reading/writing gaps. These short, sharp lessons last 10 minutes and take place at least 3 times a week.
Teaching reading: Reading practice sessions three times a week
We use ‘Big Cat phonics for Little Wandle’ reading scheme
- We teach children to read through reading practice sessions three times a week.
- are taught by a fully trained adult to small groups of approximately six children.
- use books matched to the children’s secure phonic knowledge using the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
- are monitored by the class teacher, who rotates and works with each group on a regular basis.
- Each reading practice session has a clear focus, so that the demands of the session do not overload the children’s working memory. The reading practice sessions have been designed to focus on three key reading skills:
- decoding
- prosody : teaching children to read with understanding and expression
- comprehension: teaching children to understand the text
- Children who are not yet decoding have daily additional blending practice in small groups, so that they quickly learn to blend and can begin to read books.
- In Year 2 and 3, we continue to teach reading in this way for any children who still need to practise reading with decodable books.
Home reading
- Pupils take home a reading for pleasure book each day which they share with their families. These are often books which have been shared with pupils during story time. On the third day, pupils take home the reading book they have been practising during class reading sessions.
Reading in KS2
In KS2, reading sessions are extended to daily thirty minute sessions. As children become more independent readers, we focus on developing pupils’ vocabulary, fluency and understanding through our bespoke reading scheme. Teachers model how expert readers navigate a variety of texts through approaches such as summarising, predicting, clarifying and connecting, all servicing the complex act of inference making. We use a variety of comprehension resources, such as Comprehension Plus, from the Literacy Shed, and real texts selected specifically to appeal to the pupils in our unique setting. Children will read to the teacher on a rolling carousel basis. We use assessment to identify those children who need extra reading support, which is delivered by teaching assistants or teachers either on a 1:1 or a small group basis, focusing on areas such as fluency or developing comprehension skills.
We also understand the importance of reading for pleasure, and the influence it has on children’s development – this concept underpins everything we do. We endeavour to foster a love of reading as well as reading for purpose, equipping children for the next stage in their education. Pupils have a weekly dedicated Book Club session, where pupils discuss books, form reading groups and simply enjoy the pleasure of a good read.
Strands of KS2 Reading Wheel
- Text Explorers – whole class guided reading, vocabulary development and comprehension
- Fluent readers – developing fluency and prosody
- Reading reflections – a chance to monitor and demonstrate comprehension
- Reading roundtables – Small group targeted reading
- Book Club – fostering a love of reading
We have a home-school reading system using books which match pupils’ reading abilities. Pupils are required to read for at least twenty minutes at home each day and record in daily reading records. These are monitored regularly by teachers.
Daily storytime
Daily storytime is a highlight of any pupil’s school day. We recognise that as teachers, we are the best people to promote a love of reading, and teachers’ love of a story means that children are very much likely to respond in the same way. Each class has a dedicated daily story time, and this gives pupils an opportunity to hear a wide range of stories and poems that are a reflection of the school community and give children the chance to imagine themselves as the protagonist of the story or poem, as well as learning about the lives of others whose experiences and perspectives differ from their own. We also use storytime to develop vocabulary and rich literary language.
In his book ‘Reading Reconsidered’, Doug Lemov points out that there are five types of texts that children should have access to in order to successfully navigate reading with confidence. These are complex and demand more from the reader than other types of books. Based on Lemov’s ‘The 5 Plagues of Reading’, we have compiled Reading Spines for each year group to encourage a varied diet of reading. It is important for children to be exposed to such a variety of texts in order to promote vocabulary development which, in turn, will enhance the children’s fluency and comprehension skills. This will enable them to access and enjoy more complicated texts in later life.
Throughout the school, we teach writing through the use of high-quality texts – and we make meaningful, cross-curricular links where we can, as well as choosing texts that reflect the school community we serve. During their time at school, pupils will have the opportunity to write for a wide range of purposes including both fiction and non-fiction texts. We are passionate about drama as a starting point to engage the imagination and we build on this, incorporating sentence construction and ambitious vocabulary in order to create engaging texts. We recognise the importance of drafting and editing, and pupils have regular opportunities to draft and edit their writing before creating a final published piece of work. We also believe in the importance of pupils practising their writing skills across the curriculum – and from Year 2 onwards, pupils have a weekly topic writing session – this may be based on their history or geography topic, or may include researching a famous scientist; writing up an experiment or writing associated with the other subjects. We always have the highest expectations of the quality of the writing, regardless of which subject.
Handwriting, spelling and grammar
Children receive daily handwriting sessions and we follow the Nelson handwriting scheme. In KS2, pupils who constantly display neat, joined up handwriting receive a pen license and they are able to use pen in their books.
Spelling is taught discretely in KS2, using the ‘plan it’ scheme of work, which is based on the national curriculum objectives. Pupils are expected to learn the words which form the National curriculum’s statutory word list. Spellings are sent home as part of homework and children are assessed each week.
Grammar is interwoven into the teaching of writing. Pupils are taught to use a range of grammar structures which are appropriate to their age group and as pupils move to upper KS2, they are taught to manipulate grammar structures effectively according to the purpose of the writing and the level of formality required.
Texts used to teach KS2 writing (2021-2022)
In Key stage two, we follow a bespoke scheme of work using high quality texts. We promote meaningful cross-curricular links where possible.
Autumn Spring Summer Year 3 ● The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig ● Stone Age Boy
● Sparky ● The Last Garden
● Romulus and Remus ● The Iron Man
Year 4 ● Farther ● Beowulf
● Dangerous Game ● Cinnamon
● Greek myths Year 5 ● The Promise ● Stories from Ancient Egypt
● Wolves in the Walls ● Rose Blanche
● Coming to England Year 6 ● Thief ● Boy in the Tower ● Clock work Developing spoken language
Both schools provide a language rich environment in which speaking opportunities between children and adults are prioritised. We believe that the more opportunities children have to hold conversations, the more they will understand what they have read and the more vocabulary they will be able to use in their writing. We place great emphasis on teachers modelling new language and developing vocabulary, and using conversations and discussions to develop pupils’ spoken language. Partner talk is embedded in classrooms as a further strategy to develop pupils’ spoken language.
A summary of our English curriculum
- High quality synthetic phonics which is taught daily and in small groups (in EYFS, KS1 and where appropriate, KS2) following a systematic phonics scheme.
- Daily reading sessions for all pupils across the school.
- A reading carousel which includes Reading for Pleasure and topic reading.
- Structured home reading system whereby books sent home match pupils’ reading ability.
- Reading interventions for pupils who need extra support.
- Emphasis on developing spoken language .
- A language-rich curriculum and a language rich environment.
- Lessons based on high-quality texts which link with the main topic being studied (where appropriate) or reflect our diverse community.
- High quality writing opportunities in both English and other areas of the curriculum.
- Drama is an integral part of the writing sequence
- Use of marking to set precise next steps for the pupils to use in order to improve their writing.
- Handwriting is taught daily using a structured scheme
- Special events such as Book week, World Book Day , Roald Dahl day and Poetry day are celebrated.
We use a variety of ways to measure the impact of our English curriculum including
- Teacher assessment
- Termly NFER tests
- Suffolk reading tests
- Data analysis
- Looking at children’s work and other evidence of outcomes
- Lesson observations
- Feedback from children
- Feedback from teachers
We use this information to regularly review and refine our English curriculum.
The River Peck Federation
Geography rationale
The geography curriculum has been sequenced so that pupils’ knowledge can develop incrementally over time, as pupils progress from simple geographical concepts to more complex ones. Pupils have the opportunity to consolidate their geographical knowledge by revisiting and building on prior learning so that it remains in their long-term memory.
In geography, pupils learn the following key concepts:
- Locational knowledge
- Place knowledge
- Human and physical geography
- Geographical skills and fieldwork
In the early years, pupils’ geography starts with concepts they are familiar with. They consider their own homes and local area in a geographical context, and a range of high-quality texts are used to deepen their understanding. As well as this, children also begin to describe some of the similarities and differences between life in the UK and life in other countries through stories, non-fiction texts and, where appropriate, maps.
Within KS1, pupils build on their geographical knowledge through the study of the UK and the local area. They begin their understanding of physical geography by learning about the seaside. As they move into Year 2, they begin to study places further afield and begin to develop understanding of geographical concepts such as the equator using a range of sources.
In KS2, pupils have the opportunity to make links between physical and human geography by studying places such as Africa, and comparing and contrasting these to the UK. A local area study in Year 5 gives pupils the opportunity to develop their fieldwork skills. In Upper KS2, pupils begin to look more closely at environmental geography and analyse the impact humans have had on different biomes. They study methods of conservation in order to preserve these areas. Other units give children the opportunity to use digital resources, globes and atlases to explore regions.
Key vocabulary allows children to develop a rich geographical language. Vocabulary is also prominently displayed and explicitly taught as we promote a language rich geography curriculum.
Through our geography curriculum, we aim to
- Inspire pupils’ curiosity to discover more about the world.
- Enable children to know more about the location of the world’s continents, countries, cities, oceans and seas.
- Enable pupils to interpret a range of sources which give us geographical information, including maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs and geographical information systems.
- Help children understand that the human and physical features of a place shapes its location and change over time.
- Provide opportunities to develop English and maths skills through the medium of geography.
Year group Autumn Spring Summer 1 The UK Different types of homes The Seaside 2 The continents and oceans of the world The Equator Jamaica 3 Food The Rainforest Volcanoes 4 Cities and counties of the UK Settlement and Land Use Energy 5 Rivers and the Water Cycle Physical features of the UK Local area study 6 Africa Biomes and North and South America Impact
We use a variety of ways to measure the impact of our geography curriculum including
- Teacher assessment
- Termly ‘show what you know’ assessments
- Data analysis
- Looking at children’s work and other evidence of outcomes
- Lesson observations
- Feedback from children
- Feedback from teachers
We use this information to regularly review and refine our Geography curriculum.
The River Peck Federation
History rationale
Our history curriculum develops pupils’ knowledge of historical periods, major historical events, and significant individuals which enables them to build their schemata of overarching substantive concepts. Pupils learn key facts and concepts and contextually develop historical disciplinary knowledge such as chronological understanding, analysing and evaluating historical sources; empathising with people from different eras and comparing and contrasting life in different periods.
The history curriculum has been sequenced so that pupils’ knowledge can develop incrementally over time. Pupils have the opportunity to consolidate their historical knowledge by revisiting and building on prior knowledge so that it remains in their long term memory.
As part of the early years curriculum, children have opportunities to discuss the lives of people around them and their roles in society. For example, they are encouraged to consider the experiences of their family members, such as grandparents, to gain an understanding of a past beyond themselves. Through the exploration of settings, characters and events encountered in books, children develop their understanding of the past and ae able to identify some of the similarities and differences between life in the past and present, drawing on their own experiences and what has been read in class.
In kS1, the children’s historical learning begins with the substantive concepts of life and culture which children are already familiar with such as toys, homes, and the seaside. This builds upon their previous learning within EYFS. In Year 2, children continue their historical journey by learning about significant events such as Remembrance Day. They then begin to travel further back in time and begin to use a range of sources to find out about other significant historical events such as the Gunpowder plot and the Great Fire of London. Children build up their knowledge of significant people by using historical sources to compare and contrast Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. All of this is enriched by walks around the local area; a summer visit to the seaside; laying a wreath at the Cenotaph and visiting the Tower Bridge and the Monument to contextualise the spread of the Great Fire.
As children move into KS2, the story of Britain is interwoven with studies of Ancient civilisations. Children explore more sophisticated substantive concepts such as advancement, war and invasion, law and order, life and culture, empire and cause and consequence. History is brought to life through drama, art, discussion, debate and writing. Children also deepen their understanding with visits to the British Museum, Imperial War Museum, Museum of London and enjoy workshops about topics studied.
We recognise the importance of developing pupils’ historical vocabulary and there is an emphasis on developing this in pupils. Vocabulary associated with each topic is also prominently displayed in the classroom.
We also strongly believe that pupils should develop a secure chronology, and timelines depicting the eras that children have studied are displayed in every classroom.
We enrich our history curriculum through class visits, immersion days and fiction which links with the topics being studied.
Through our history curriculum, we contextually teach the following disciplinary knowledge:
- Developing chronology and understanding of local, British and world history.
- Recognising the significance of some events, people or developments and give reasons as to why some are seen as more significant than others.
- Conducting historical enquiries by devising complex questions, selecting sources, analysing data and constructing responses.
- Understanding that the past is represented and interpreted in different ways and give reasons for this.
- Gaining historical perspective by making connections between main events, situations and changes across different periods and societies.
- Developing vocabulary, including abstract historical terms, and using them in context.
- Demonstrating understanding of the similarities and differences between different periods.
- Identifying reasons and results of historical events and offering explanations to why people in the past acted as they did.
Year group Autumn Spring Summer 1 Toys Homes The Seaside 2 Bonfire Night/ Why do we have Remembrance Day? The Great Fire of London Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale 3 Prehistoric Times The Romans 4 The Anglo-Saxons The Vikings Ancient Greece 5 Ancient Egypt World War Two HMS Windrush and its impact on Southwark 6 Crime and Punishment Ancient Benin Impact
We use a variety of ways to measure the impact of our history curriculum including.
- Teacher assessment
- Termly ‘low stakes’ multiple-choice assessments
- Data analysis
- Looking at children’s work and other evidence of outcomes
- Learning Walks
- Pupil Voice
- Feedback from staff
We use this information to regularly review and refine our history curriculum.
Maths -Bellenden
Mathematics Rationale
Intent The aim of our mathematics curriculum at Bellenden is give the children the knowledge, skills and understanding to be fluent mathematicians who can apply this confidently and flexibly across many different areas in life. We are preparing the children for the next stage of their educational journey and their wider lives. We promote risk-taking, independence, experimentation and questioning. This is evident in the teaching of mathematics through the consistent focus on using and applying rich tasks which are used to teach new content and revisit prior learning.
We ensure pupils think mathematically, and gain an understanding of the uses and implications of mathematics today and in the future. Pupils are equipped with an understanding of mathematical vocabulary which allows them to reason and justify. We aim for all pupils to be able to analyse errors, seeing good mistakes as an integral part of mathematics.
The key focus is teaching pupils to use and apply the knowledge and skills they are taught – this is reflected in the range of questioning and tasks the children complete in each topic in maths and other subjects.
Implementation Following the aims of the EYFS framework, using Birth to Five, basic skills and early ‘number sense’ is clearly embedded in the EYFS through meaningful ‘real’ life contexts to underpin an understanding of number. Following the aims of the National Curriculum at KS1 and KS2, mathematics is taught using a two strand approach: Regular arithmetic lessons give pupils the opportunity for frequent reviewing of previously taught material and practice of fundamental arithmetic skills, in order to embed these. Daily mathematics lessons provide rich opportunities to learn new skills and apply these in a range of contexts. To ensure consistency and progression across the school, the different mathematical topics are outlined across the year for each year group. Revisiting prior learning to embed knowledge and skills is key – key mathematical concepts are revisited regularly both within and across year groups to ensure they are embedded and remembered. Mathematical topics follow a logical sequence in each year to allow pupils to build upon their prior knowledge, e.g. teaching place value before addition, and topics are revisited at different points throughout the year. Teachers mainly use White Rose to plan bespoke lessons that target the needs of their class. The choice to use White Rose enables teachers to deliver rich, deep thinking tasks as well as other planned for activities to promote mathematical talk, reasoning, fluency and problem solving. White Rose follows the mastery approach to teaching maths. Children are taught using the ‘Concrete Pictorial Abstract’ approach. This is a system of learning that uses physical and visual aids to build a child’s understanding of abstract topics. It involves moving from concrete materials, to pictorial representations, to abstract symbols and problems.
Teachers also draw on ideas from various other resources from the London Mathematics Hub, NCETM and nRich website. Teachers foster a culture of error analysis and self-reflection – often referred to as ‘Good mistakes’. Both of these must be explicitly taught at all stages of the school and to all groups of pupils. We believe feedback at the point of learning has the most impact on progress, so to ensure pupils have opportunities in lesson to analyse their mistakes, they should mark their own work (where possible) from given answers, before correcting / improving them as necessary. Pupils’ self- and peer-assessment enables them to understand their own learning journey. In addition to the discreet teaching of mathematics, opportunities are used throughout the school day. For example, changing the date on the board, calculating time durations until lunch, counting how many pairs of shoes are by the door etc, these incidental opportunities are particularly key in the early years and key stage 1. We believe in giving all pupils equal opportunities, no matter their starting points in mathematics.
Children one-step below ARE are targeted by the class teacher. The teacher works with the pupils identified as working below ARE but with the potential to reach ARE by the end of the academic year on gaps in learning identified through question level analysis and on-going teacher assessments. Pupils have access to the online platforms NumBots (Reception-Year 6), Times Table Rock Stars (Year 1 – Year 6) and Mathletics which support pupils in their mental addition and subtraction (NumBots), multiplication and division facts (TTRS) and the rest of the mathematics curriculum (Mathletics). These are used in school as well as set as home learning each week.
Monitoring our curriculum is integral to ensure that our vision for the teaching and learning of mathematics is in action in the classroom. Informal and formal observations take place as part of the monitoring cycle or through staff request for support. This will encompass a variety of approaches such as modelled lessons, shared and modelled planning, team teaching and live coaching. Regular research and reading keeps the leadership team up to date with key pedagogical approaches and changes to ensure we adapt and innovate our practice consistently.
Impact Teaching mathematics through a mastery approach at Bellenden Primary School has a significant impact on our students’ understanding and confidence in their mathematical abilities. This approach enhances enjoyment, resilience, comprehension, and achievement in mathematics for all our young learners. By employing the mastery approach, we guide our students in breaking down mathematical concepts into smaller, more manageable parts, making use of manipulatives and pictorial representations. This strategy enables our students to establish a strong foundation of mathematical understanding. Another prime advantage of adopting the White Rose Scheme of Learning is its consistent utilization of a wide range of representations, which students can continually build upon as they advance through their education. As a result, our students acquire more knowledge, retain it longer, and become proficient in applying mathematical principles. They connect new ideas with their existing knowledge, fostering a deeper comprehension of mathematics.
At Bellenden Primary School, this approach allows our pupils to construct a robust mathematical foundation, empowering them to confidently tackle more complex concepts and problems as they progress through their education. Our students make sense of the mathematics they are learning, leading to memorable and enjoyable experiences that encourage long-term mathematical memory. They also learn how to push the boundaries of their knowledge to solve new and challenging problems.
Our curriculum provides ample opportunities for our teachers to ask questions that reveal students’ understanding of a concept. Meaningful dialogues occur in our classrooms, as we value students’ voices and actively listen to their contributions. This practice enables our teachers to gather valuable data about our students’ comprehension, informing their teaching, planning, and assessment strategies. Additionally, termly summative assessments provide insights to further support our teachers’ judgments and identify any learning gaps.
At Bellenden Primary School, our children have the opportunity to practise, reinforce, and discuss their mathematical processes, which aids in knowledge retention and the development of mathematical fluency. We are dedicated to nurturing life-long mathematicians who approach the subject with confidence and enthusiasm.
Maths - Pilgrims' Way
Pilgrims’ Way Primary School
Maths rationale
At the River Peck Federation, we aim to develop challenged, curious and confident mathematicians.
We intend to deliver ‘Quality First Teaching’ which supports the learning of ALL our pupils. We believe that maths should be an enjoyable experience for children, which equips them with a range of tools in order to understand the world. The Mastery model aims for pupils to acquire a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject.
We aim to:
- Give children a wide range of maths opportunities
- Challenge pupils through questioning and open-ended tasks
- Develop mathematical fluency
- Develop reasoning and application skills
- Provide many opportunities for Maths talk and vocabulary development
- Encourage perseverance and resilience
- Apply maths to real-life contexts
- Work independently and collaboratively to solve problems
- Show children a range of representations and mathematical structures
In our maths lessons, we have adopted NRICH’s radial approach to stretch and challenge pupils’ mathematical thinking, and ensure that pupils are engaged and motivated. The teaching of vocabulary is an integral part of our lessons and ensures that pupils develop a rich mathematical vocabulary.
We follow the White Rose Mastery Maths curriculum. Fluency, questioning, reasoning and problems solving are interwoven into all of our lessons.
White Rose follows the mastery approach to teaching maths. Children are taught using the ‘Concrete – Pictorial – Abstract’ approach. This is a system of learning that uses physical and visual aids to build a child’s understanding of abstract topics. It involves moving from concrete materials, to pictorial representations, to abstract symbols and problems.
We aim for children to see Maths as an interconnected subject. Throughout the school, we provide many opportunities to apply maths knowledge across the curriculum. Maths is interwoven into our Science, History, Geography, Art and Computing lessons.
In order to continuously improve, we work closely with the South East London Maths Hub Mastery programme. This programme is run by the NCETM and allows us to work together with other schools to share good practice and build upon our maths curriculum. Furthermore, our maths lead is currently training to become a ‘primary mastery specialist’ via the NCETM which in return will ensure that that the school is always at the forefront of the latest developments and has access to the most up-to date resources with regards to maths.
We supplement our curriculum with Department for Education approved resources, such as White Rose, NCETM, Power Maths and NRICH.
To develop fluency, we do daily counting and time tables. The children also use Times table Rock Stars and Numbots (award winning educational resources).
Children are given a wide range of challenges and are encouraged to choose their own level of difficulty.
We want ALL our children to make ‘good’ progress. We use a variety of ways to measure the impact of our Maths curriculum including
- Teacher assessment
- Termly White Rose tests
- Half termly arithmetic tests
- Data analysis
- Looking at children’s work and other evidence of outcomes
- Lesson observations
- Feedback from children
- Feedback from teachers
We use this information to regularly review and refine our Maths curriculum.
At The River Peck Federation, we aim to develop challenged, curious and confident mathematicians.
The River Peck Maths learner
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
The River Peck Federation
MFL rationale
At the River Peck Federation, we share a common belief with Kapow Primary’s French scheme: Learning a foreign language is a powerful tool that nurtures curiosity and enriches children’s global perspective. Our combined aims are to ignite a passion for foreign language acquisition, laying a robust foundation for future language learning endeavours. Through this, we aim to enhance pupils’ proficiency in oracy, literacy, grammar, and their appreciation of global citizenship.
Our approach stimulates curiosity and creativity, employing experimentation, rhymes, role-play, and songs to make language learning an engaging and enjoyable experience. Together, we aim to make children aware of the myriad benefits of language acquisition, enabling them to see the vast opportunities available to those proficient in speaking a foreign language.
Our commitment aligns with Kapow Primary’s mission to develop confident communicators in both written and spoken French, providing a gateway to future language exploration. By imparting these skills, we not only strengthen their linguistic abilities but also empower them to thrive in an interconnected world.
Together, we strive to support pupils in meeting national curriculum standards and equip them with the linguistic and cultural competence needed to excel in their educational journeys and beyond.
At the River Peck Federation, our approach to teaching French is a reflection of our multicultural and aspirational ethos. We embrace the Kapow French scheme of work, a comprehensive programme designed around six core pillars:
- Speaking and Pronunciation
- Listening Skills
- Reading and Writing Abilities
- Grammar Mastery
- Intercultural Understanding
- Language Detective Skills
Through Kapow Primary’s dynamic French curriculum, our students gain valuable opportunities to engage in meaningful conversations on familiar topics. We believe in fostering practical communication skills in both spoken and written French, with a particular emphasis on oral proficiency in Year 3, followed by the integration of written French in Year 4 and beyond.
Our curriculum follows a spiral structure, continually revisiting key skills and vocabulary with increasing complexity. This approach allows our students to reinforce and build upon their previous learning. Moreover, we encourage cross-curricular connections, enabling students to apply their language skills across various subjects.
Our lessons are a blend of interactive teaching methods, including independent tasks, group activities, role-playing, language games, and language detective work. We prioritize the development of ‘language detective skills’ and a deep understanding of French grammar, rather than rote memorisation of vocabulary. We ensure that every lesson is accessible and enjoyable for all students through differentiated guidance.
To ensure that French learning is integrated into daily life, we provide practical suggestions in our ‘During the Week’ sections. Additionally, we recognise the importance of well-informed educators and offer comprehensive support for our teaching staff. Each lesson unit includes teacher videos to enhance subject knowledge and support ongoing professional development. We understand that not all teachers may feel confident delivering language lessons, so we have designed our curriculum to empower them with the tools and knowledge they need to ensure student progress.
Our commitment to excellence in language education extends to teacher support, with dedicated sections in each lesson unit to explain key grammar points and pronunciation. Sound files are included to demonstrate correct pronunciation, further aiding teachers in delivering engaging and effective lessons.
At the River Peck Federation, we are dedicated to providing an inclusive and culturally enriching French program that fosters a love for language and a deep understanding of the world.
Through our adoption of Kapow Primary’s French scheme of work, we not only impart a comprehensive language education but also implement a thoughtful assessment approach. We assess students continuously, utilising both formative and summative evaluations. Each lesson includes guidance to assist teachers in assessing students against their learning objectives, and we use whole class feedback so teachers can reflect upon their pupils’ learning and how to address any misconceptions and further deepen understanding.
We deliberately space unit evaluations as part of cognitive science strategies, allowing students to consolidate their knowledge over time. This approach grants us insights into their development and enables personalized support when necessary.
By choosing Kapow Primary’s condensed curriculum, we purposefully create room for further embedding language skills. This flexibility allows us to respond to individual student needs and facilitate engaging activities like pen-pal exchanges in Year 5 and 6, fostering a deeper connection to language and culture.
Our collective goal, in partnership with Kapow Primary, is to equip our students with a versatile set of language-learning skills, instilling the confidence to explore not only French but also any other language they encounter in Key Stage 3 and beyond.
The anticipated impact of this joint endeavour includes students who can confidently engage in practical conversations, accurately read unfamiliar texts, demonstrate precise pronunciation, understand spoken language, and effectively apply grammatical rules. Moreover, they will have developed a keen awareness of language patterns across different languages, constructing texts on familiar topics, and meeting the end-of-Key-Stage-2 expectations outlined in the national curriculum for Languages.
By embracing Kapow Primary’s curriculum and our tailored assessment approach, we are nurturing students who are not only proficient in French but also well-prepared to embark on a lifelong journey of language exploration
The River Peck Federation
Music rationale
At the River Peck Federation, our music education philosophy seamlessly blends the national curriculum’s core principles with Kapow Primary’s innovative approach. Our mission is clear: we aim to instil a profound and enduring love for music in our students, fostering self-confidence, creativity, and a sense of accomplishment.
We achieve this by providing a comprehensive music curriculum that empowers children to become confident performers, composers, and attentive listeners. Our focus on diverse musical traditions and eras promotes respect and appreciation for global musical heritage.
Through engaging activities like singing, instrument playing, improvisation, and music appreciation, our students gain valuable skills, including the ability to read and notate music. These skills extend beyond music, shaping their teamwork, leadership, creative thinking, problem-solving, and presentation abilities.
Kapow Primary’s Music scheme aligns seamlessly with national curriculum targets, and their role as an Artsmark partner underscores our commitment to enriching students’ lives with arts and culture experiences.
Beyond the classroom, Bellenden Primary offers specialised music instruction, including steel drums and piano, led by talented teachers. Our vibrant choir not only showcases vocal talents but also fosters unity and teamwork among participants, creating well-rounded musicians who actively engage in the world of music.
We provide music education once a week, supplemented by our vibrant choir at Bellenden Primary, as well as music tuition. Kapow Primary’s Music scheme blends various musical elements into captivating lessons:
- Performing
- Listening
- Composing
- Exploring music history
- Understanding inter-related dimensions of music
Each unit, spanning five lessons, integrates these aspects within cross-curricular themes, sparking students’ passion for music. Throughout, children develop singing skills, master instruments, and grasp key musical dimensions. These encompass pitch, duration, tempo, timbre, structure, texture, and dynamics, which they creatively apply in improvisations and compositions.
In tandem with Kapow Primary’s scheme, we offer instrumental lessons for younger students to explore tuned instruments. This aligns with the Model music curriculum’s recommendations.
Our curriculum mapping demonstrates how units cover national curriculum attainment targets and related strands. The progression of skills and knowledge guides students’ development, ensuring they meet key stage attainment targets.
Following a spiral curriculum, Kapow Primary revisits and builds upon prior skills and knowledge. Students advance by tackling more complex tasks and deepening their understanding of music history, staff notation, and musical notations.
Our lessons actively engage students in various musical activities spanning styles and traditions, enhancing musical skills and understanding. Employing diverse teaching strategies, they include independent tasks, group activities, improvisation, and teacher-led performances. Lessons are dynamic, hands-on, and incorporate movement and cross-curricular links.
To cater to all students, we provide differentiated guidance in each lesson. Knowledge organizers reinforce key facts and vocabulary.
Teacher videos in each unit enhance their expertise and support continuous professional development (CPD). Additional CPD is available through webinars by our music specialists.
With music taught once a week and our vibrant choir, we nurture well-rounded musicians who appreciate and engage with music both within and beyond the school environment.
Whilst in school, children have access to a varied and well-structured music programme. This will allow them to discover areas of strength, as well as areas they may wish to improve upon. With weekly specialist lessons in an instrument, we aim to provide our children with the chance to discover their musical talents and allow for further learning later in their school careers. Through our curriculum and enrichment, children will be exposed to fundamental abilities and experiences, such as achievement, self-confidence, awareness of others and other cultures and self-reflection
We use a variety of ways to measure the impact of our music curriculum including
- Weekly Teacher assessment
- Lesson observations
- Feedback from children
- Feedback from teachers
We use this information to regularly review and refine our music curriculum.
Personal development
Personal development intent
Through our curriculum, we teach children how to live a safe, happy and healthy life. Within this, we teach them about the world around them; relationships, emotions; reproduction and health, as well as transferrable skills to help with life. We consistently promote British values alongside our school values.
We offer our pupils a range of learning experiences which provide students with a rich cultural capital and helps prepare pupils for life in Modern Britain.
Personal development can be split into the following sections:-
- SMSC development
- Character development
Spiritual development
We strengthen spiritual development through
- Celebrating the religious and non-religious beliefs and values that our pupils bring and to build an awareness of and respect for others’ spiritual and religious beliefs
- Helping our pupils to recognize and understand that they are unique individuals
- Developing pupils’ curiosity, imagination and creativity and promoting a sense of awe and wonder
- Knowledge and respect for different people’s faiths, feelings and values
Spiritual development is promoted through
- The R.E curriculum
- Special celebration assemblies for different faiths
- School visits to places of worship
- Educational visits and visitors which inspire awe and wonder
Moral development
Through moral development, we teach our pupils what is right or wrong and to act on it accordingly. We encourage our pupils to
- Be honest
- Respect the rights, property, opinions and customs of others, even when they are different from our own
- Help others
- Find resolutions for differences of opinion
We strongly reject all forms of bullying, cruelty, dishonesty, violence and discrimination and have strict procedures in place when dealing with these incidences.
We promote moral development through
- Daily story time
- Reading
- RE
- School values
- Assemblies
- Supporting different charity events throughout the year
Social development
Through social development, we teach the importance of understanding the rights and responsibilities linked to citizenship and being a responsible member of a community.
- Foster team-building skills so that pupils develop self confidence, co-operation, sensitivity to others, reliability, initiative and understanding
- Provide an environment where pupils take responsibility for themselves ad others in the wider society
- Ensure pupils adapt and engage with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
- Enable pupils to develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully and contribute positively to life in Modern Britain
We promote social development through
- RE
- PE
- School council
- Pupil voice
- Educational visits
- Extra curricular activities
Cultural development
We are incredibly proud of and celebrate the cultural diversity of our school, the local environment and society as a whole.
- Promote an appreciation of both our own and others’ cultural traditions
- Celebrate the richness of cultural traditions
- Provide opportunities for pupils to participate in and respond positively to artistic, musical, sporting and other cultural opportunities
We promote cultural development through
- Celebrating events
- Curriculum themed days
- Special performances
- Opportunities for pupils to share their own experiences
- Visits and visitors
We use our own bespoke PSHE scheme to teach PSHE.
Through this curriculum, our pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes needed to stay healthy and safe and be prepared for all aspects of life and work. We want our pupils to be responsible members of society, who show an understanding of their rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it is to be a tolerant member of a diverse society. Pupils are encouraged to fully contribute to school life and the community. We aim to create lifelong learners who build strong relationships, manage their emotions and form positive beliefs, values and attitudes.
Character development
We understand the experiences provided for children during childhood have a major impact on their future wellbeing and success. Therefore, we believe that the teaching of character traits, attributes and behaviours is integral to achievement and success.
We chose the following values as important character attributes we wish for our pupils to display
aspiration positivity equality tolerance courtesy respect understanding humility patience responsibility kindness friendship courage resilience humour forgiveness determination self-belief honesty unity trust loyalty Our values assemblies teach pupils about these attributes. We focus on each value for a fortnight.
As well as this, we hold weekly assembles where two children are chosen from each class to celebrate their achievements. Each class a class is chosen as the class of the week, and one pupil from the whole school is chosen each week as star of the week.
Personal development map
The River Peck Federation
P.E rationale
We are committed to developing excellence in physical education and all pupils receive the minimum of 2 hours of P.E each week. Our aim is to give every child every chance to be active and understand the importance of living a healthy life.
The curriculum has been designed so that pupils build on skills learnt and pupils have regular opportunities to revisit what they know in order to deepen and extend their understanding of the different sports disciplines.
PE offers children opportunities to:
- Become skilled and intelligent performers.
- Acquire and develop skills, performing with increasing physical competence and confidence, in a range of physical activities and contexts.
- Learn how to select and apply skills, tactics and compositional ideas to suit activities that need different approaches and ways of thinking.
- Develop their ideas in a creative way.
- Set targets for themselves and compete against others, individually and as team members.
- Understand what it takes to persevere, succeed and acknowledge others’ success.
- Respond to a variety of challenges in a range of physical contexts and environments.
- Take the initiative, lead activities and focus on improving aspects of their own performances.
- Discover their own aptitudes and preferences for different activities.
- Make informed decisions about the importance of exercise in their loves.
- Develop positive attitudes to participation in physical activity.
Through PE, we believe that pupils develop the following skills and values:
- Personal skills
- Social skills
- Physical skills
- Cognitive skills
- Health and fitness
Our P.E curriculum is created by specialists from our sports partners at the London Sports and PE network whilst being accessible to and meets the needs and interests of all pupils. The curriculum is mapped out for every class and is wide-ranging and builds upon previous learning from year to year. Children enjoy lessons in gymnastics, dance, competitive games (which are sport specific); skills such as throwing, catching, running and jumping, athletics, swimming.
Competitive sport
Throughout the year, pupils take part in competitive sport within school and outside of school. Examples are:-
- Children take part in competitions organised by the PE network.
- There is a boys’ and girls’ football team who take part in the football league
- Each year group has the chance to play a competitive sports against the federation school as part of the federation cup iniative
- On sports day, teams compete against each other throughout all year groups.
The P.E curriculum
Year group
Autumn Spring Summer Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Reception Athletics Games Throwing towards a target
Dance Games Kicking with feet
Games Throwing and catching
Gymnastics 1 Games Throwing towards a target
Gymnastics Games Sending and Receiving
Dance Athletics Games Net games using a racket
2 Gymnastics Games Nat games using hands
Problem solving Games Dribbling using feet
Games Attack vs Defence
Athletics 3 Games Dribbling and passing with feet
Gymnastics Games Throwing and hitting with hands
Dance Athletics Games Passing and moving with hands
4 Gymnastics Games Benchball/Endball
Problem Solving Games Football
Games Batting and Bowling
Athletics 5 Games Flag Football
Gymnastics Games Mini volleyball and tennis
Games Attack vs Defence
Athletics Dance 6 Games Basketball
Games Tag Rugby
Gymnastics Problem solving Games Cricket
Athletics Impact
We use a variety of ways to measure the impact of our PE curriculum including
- Teacher assessment
- Lesson observations
- Feedback from children
- Feedback from teachers
We use this information to regularly review and refine our P.E curriculum.
The River Peck Federation
PSHE rationale
Through PSHE, pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, and prepared for life and work. We firmly believe that PSHE can have an impact on both academic and non-academic outcomes for all pupils.
We follow the Kapow scheme which is broken into the following themes:
Holistic Development: This addresses the holistic development of our pupils, focusing on their personal, social, health, and economic well-being. It provides a structured framework to nurture students’ physical, emotional, and social growth.
Life Skills: Through our curriculum, we empower young learners with essential life skills. It equips them with the knowledge and tools needed to make informed decisions about their health, relationships, finances, and personal development.
Mental Health and Well-being: In today’s fast-paced world, mental health is of paramount importance. Our curriculum incorporates age-appropriate lessons that promote emotional well-being, resilience, and strategies for coping with challenges, helping children develop into emotionally healthy individuals.
Positive Relationships: Teaching students about building and maintaining positive relationships is a fundamental aspect of PSHE. Our interactive approach teaches children how to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts peacefully, and develop empathy, fostering a positive and inclusive school community.
Safety and Risk Management: In a rapidly changing world, children need to be aware of various risks and how to manage them. Our PSHE curriculum includes safety education topics, including online safety, personal safety, and healthy risk-taking, ensuring that students are well-prepared to navigate potential dangers.
Citizenship and Values: We instil the values of respect, tolerance, and responsibility in students, promoting active citizenship. This encourages children to understand their role in society and become responsible and compassionate citizens.
Economic Awareness: Financial literacy is an essential life skill. Therefore, economic concepts are introduced in an accessible way, teaching primary school children about money management, budgeting, and the value of saving, setting a foundation for financial responsibility.
By following this scheme, it allows us to provide a well-rounded and engaging educational framework that prepares students for the challenges of the modern world. It equips them with essential life skills, promotes mental health and well-being, fosters positive relationships, and encourages responsible citizenship—all vital components of a well-rounded primary education.
We take a whole school approach that consists of three areas of learning in EYFS: Reception (to match the EYFS Personal, social and emotional development prime area) and five areas of learning across Key stages 1 and 2.
- Self-regulation
- Building relationships
- Managing self
Key stage 1 and 2:
- Families and relationships
- Health and wellbeing
- Safety and the changing body
- Citizenship
- Economic wellbeing
Each area is revisited to allow children to build on prior learning. The lessons also provide a progressive programme. The lessons are based upon the statutory requirements for Relationships and Health education, but where our lessons go beyond these requirements (primarily in the Citizenship and Economic wellbeing areas) they refer to the PSHE Association Programme of Study which is recommended by the DfE. Sex education has been included in line with the DfE recommendations and is covered in Year 6 of our scheme.
When is PSHE taught?
PSHE is part of our weekly routine, with sessions lasting around thirty minutes. We mainly engage in discussions and hands-on activities to make learning interactive. We maintain a dedicated class journal to capture key discussion points. Additionally, we explore certain PSHE topics through special projects and themed weeks, including ‘Road Safety Week,’ ‘Friendship Week,’ and ‘Clean Air Week.’
We use a variety of ways to measure the impact of our PSHE curriculum including:
- Teacher assessment through assessment quizzes
- Pupil, staff and parent/carer voice
- Learning walks
We use this information to regularly review and refine our PSHE curriculum.
The River Peck Federation
R.E rationale
R.E is a statutory subject and is crucial in creating a harmonious and cohesive society in modern Britain. The law states that all pupils registered in school must be taught religious education.
We follow the Southwark agreed syllabus. In R.E, children are taught both Christianity and the other major faith groups.
R.E has a vital part to play in promoting the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, and intellectual development of our pupils and in helping them gain a greater understanding of themselves and developing empathy towards others.
Children will learn to understand their place in the world and know that all members of the school community show respect and tolerance towards others. This in turn will lead to a better cultural understanding.
Discussion is an integral part of this subject. Pupils will have the opportunity to consider the meaning and purpose of life; beliefs about God; issues of right and wrong, and what it means to be human.
We aim to promote:
- A deep understanding of the importance of faith and spirituality to many people.
- An understanding of the similarities between different faiths to promote tolerance and acceptance within our multi-faith society.
British values
British values are embedded in the R.E curriculum. By exploring the main different religions practised in the UK, children develop tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.
Through school visits and external visitors, we teach children the importance of celebrating similarities and differences in our community and the wider world.
Spiritual development
We aim to develop pupils’ spirituality by giving them the opportunity to be reflective about their beliefs (religious or otherwise.) This then informs their perspective on their life and leads to an interest in and respect for different people’s faiths and values.
Moral development
Children’s understanding of morals is developed through the storytelling element of R.E. By exploring characters’ behaviours in religious stories and parables, pupils can recognise the differences between right and wrong and understand the consequences of behaviours and actions.
Cultural development
Through learning R.E, children have the opportunity to learn about the wide range of cultural influences with school and beyond our local community that have shaped their heritage and that of others in preparation for life in modern Britain. Children are encouraged to gain an interest when exploring different beliefs – improving their understanding and showing respect for different faiths and cultural diversity. The R.E curriculum instils in pupils the values of understanding, accepting, respecting and celebrating diversity.
Year group
Autumn Spring Summer Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 1 How do you belong to Christianity? How do Christians celebrate Christmas? What does it mean to be a Muslim? What does it mean to be a Hindu? How do you belong to Sikhism? How do we live well with friends and family? 2 Forgiveness Special books Why did Jesus tell stories? How do we know Easter is coming? Where does the world come from? Food and fasting 3 Signs, symbols and sayings Jesus and Buddha How do Jews celebrate? Sikh beliefs Why is Holi important? What is special about light? 4 Religions in our neighbourhood Why is the bible important to Christians? What makes me the person I am? Why is Easter important? Hinduism Why do some people get married? 5 Inner forces How is Christmas celebrated around the world? Thankfulness God is everywhere Animal law case Why is Muhammad(PBUH) important to Muslim people 6 Art in Christianity How do different religions create celebrations? Similarities and differences Easter Religious leaders What do people believe about life after death? Impact
We use a variety of ways to measure the impact of our R.E curriculum including.
- Teacher assessment
- Lesson observations
- Feedback from children
- Feedback from teachers
Yes, parents have the right to withdraw their child from religious education (RE) in England, either in part or in full. This is a legal right, and schools must inform parents of this right and the RE syllabus.
Here are some other things to know about the right to withdraw from RE:-
Who can withdraw
Parents can withdraw their child from RE, and children can withdraw themselves once they are 18.
How to request withdrawal
Parents should make a request to the headteacher. The school should have a clear process for requests, and should make a written record of the request, any discussion, and the outcome.
What happens to withdrawn students
Schools are responsible for supervising withdrawn students, but they should not provide additional teaching or incur extra costs. Parents or carers should provide suitable work related to the child’s RE.
Alternative RE
Parents can request that their child receive RE elsewhere, but this is rarely arranged.
Selective withdrawalSome schools do not support selective withdrawal from part of RE, but parents still have the right to request it.
Science curriculum at Bellenden/ Pilgrims’ Way School
Our Rationale
We provide pupils with opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of the world in which they live – both through practical experience and from other sources of information. We believe that all pupils are entitled to a broad and balanced science curriculum and that Science provides a platform to prepare pupils for life in an increasingly scientific and technological world.
We encourage the development of pupils’ positive attitudes to science. We do this by building upon children’s natural curiosity and helping them develop a scientific approach to problems. We encourage core values such as open-mindedness, self-assessment, perseverance and responsibility. These skills develop pupils’ self-confidence to enable them to work both independently and collaboratively. Our aim of for pupils to enjoy science, so that they will develop a deep and lasting interest.
Throughout each unit of study, the emphasis is on the children learning through doing. The topics the pupils study enables them to make links and test previously held ideas. In doing so, pupils develop a bank of skills and an understanding of the processes required to carry out effective scientific enquiry.
We recognise the importance of using scientific vocabulary and there is an emphasis upon developing pupils’ scientific vocabulary. Vocabulary associated with each unit is also prominently displayed in the classroom.
At Bellenden/Pilgrims’ Way School, we follow the White Rose Science Scheme.
Science is taught weekly in Key stage one and key stage two. We use the ‘small steps’ approach to science teaching, and closely follow the national curriculum for science for years 1-6. This helps develop scientific understanding and grasp scientific ideas.
Through experiment, practice and discussion, children gain core knowledge around:
- Scientific vocabulary
- ‘Working scientifically’ skills including systematic and careful observations and following practical scientific methods.
- The gathering and interpretation of straightforward scientific evidence.
- The use of everyday materials and scientific equipment to solve science problems.
- Articulating scientific concepts and using five types of science enquiries
As well as developing pupils’ scientific skills, we also make cross-curricular links where possible so that pupils’ English and maths knowledge and skills are used and applied effectively throughout the curriculum.
We also cover scientific questions around sustainability and the planet, and help children develop an empathy for the local and wider environment.
Key stage one content overview
Year one Year two Autumn Autumn 1 Human body Animals’ needs for survival Autumn 2 Seasonal changes (autumn) Humans Autumn 3 Materials Materials Autumn 4 Seasonal changes (winter) Sustainability Plastic
Spring Spring 1 Planting A Plants (light and dark)
Spring 2 Animals Living things and their habitats Spring 3 Caring for the planet Biology Light and dark
Spring 4 Seasonal changes (spring) Consolidation Spring 5 Planting B Spring 6 Consolidation Summer Summer 1 Plants Plants (bulbs and seeds)
Summer 2 Planting C Growing up Summer 3 Growing and cooking Bulbs and seeds Summer 4 Seasonal changes (summer) Growing up Summer 5 Wildlife Summer 6 Consolidation Scientific methods taught:-
Year One Year Two · Ask simple questions. · Verbally state what they are going to investigate.
· Observe closely.
· Carry out simple tests using non-standard measurements when appropriate.
· Gather and record simple data.
· Sort objects and living things into groups based on simple properties.
· Explain what they found out to an adult or partner.
· Answer simple questions.
· Ask simple questions and recognise that they can be answered in different ways. · Make simple predictions based on a question.
· Identify what they will change and keep the same.
· Observe closely, using simple equipment.
· Perform simple tests using standard units when appropriate.
· Gather and record data to help in answering questions.
· Identify and classifying.
· Talk about what they have found out and how they found it out (non-statutory)
· Use their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions.
Key stage two content overview
Year three Year four Autumn Autumn 1 Skeletons Group and classify living things Autumn 2 Movement Data collection A Autumn 3 Nutrition and diet States of matter Autumn 4 Sustainability (Food waste) Autumn 5 Rocks Spring Spring 1 Fossils Sound Spring 2 Soils Data collection B Spring 3 Light Electricity Spring 4 Sustainability (Energy) Summer Summer 1 Plants A Data collection C Summer 2 Forces Habitats Summer 3 Magnets Sustainability (Deforestation) Summer 4 Plants B The digestive system Summer 5 Sustainability (Biodiversity) Food chains Year five Year six Autumn Autumn 1 Forces Living things and their habitats Autumn 2 Space Autumn 3 Sustainability (Global warming) Electricity Autumn 4 Consolidation Sustainability Renewable energy
Autumn 5 Autumn 6 Spring Spring 1 Properties of materials Light Spring 2 Animals including humans Sustainability Light pollution
Spring 3 Life cycles The circulatory system Spring 4 Diet, drugs and lifestyle Summer Summer 1 Reproduction A Variation Summer 2 Reversible and irreversible changes Adaptations Summer 3 Sustainability (Plastic pollution) Fossils Summer 4 Reproduction B Consolidation Summer 5 Consolidation Themed projects Summer 6 Working Scientifically skills taught throughout the year: –
Year Three Year Four · Ask questions and understand there are different enquiry types they could use to answer them. · Make relevant predictions.
· Identify what they will change, observe and keep the same.
· With support, set up simple practical enquiries.
· Begin to use scientific equipment to make observations.
· Carry out tests and simple experiments and take measurements using standard units.
· Gather and record data in different ways to help answer questions.
· Recording findings using simple scientific language, drawings, labelled diagrams, bar charts and tables.
· Report on findings from enquiries, including oral and written explanations.
· Make simple conclusions.
· Use results, findings or observations to answer questions.
· Suggest questions for further investigation
· Ask relevant questions and use different types of scientific enquiry to answer them. · Make predictions based on simple scientific knowledge.
· Identify what they will change, observe or measure and keep the same.
· Set up simple practical enquiries, comparative and fair tests.
· Make systematic and careful observations.
· Taking accurate measurements using standard units, using a range of equipment, including thermometers and data loggers
· Gather, record and classify data in a variety of ways to help in answering questions.
· Record findings using simple scientific language, drawings, labelled diagrams, keys, bar charts and tables.
· Report on findings from enquiries, including oral and written explanations, displays or presentations of results and conclusions.
· Use straight-forward scientific evidence to answer or to support their findings.
· Use results to draw simple conclusions.
· Begin the identify differences, similarities or changes related to simple ideas or processes.
· Begin to make predictions for new values, suggest improvements and raise further questions.
Year Five Year Six · Ask scientific questions and being to understand which questions would be best suited to each enquiry type · Make predictions based on scientific knowledge.
· With support, plan different types of scientific enquiry. Where appropriate, identify the dependent, independent and controlled variables.
· Use a range of scientific equipment to make systematic and careful observations.
· Take accurate measurements using a range of scientific equipment. Start to take repeat readings when appropriate.
· Gather, record and classify data with increasing complexity to help in answering questions.
· Record data using scientific diagrams and labels, classification keys, tables, bar and line graphs.
· Report and present findings from enquiries, including conclusions.
· Begin to identify causal relationships in oral and written forms such as displays and other presentations.
· Use scientific evidence to answer questions.
· Make conclusions based on scientific evidence and from their own testing and findings.
· Identify differences, similarities or changes related to simple ideas or processes.
· Make predictions for new values, suggest improvements and raise further questions
· Ask relevant scientific questions and choose which enquiry type would be best suited to answer them. · Make predictions based on scientific knowledge.
· Plan different types of scientific enquiries to answer questions, including recognise and controlling variables where necessary.
· Use a range of scientific equipment to make systematic and careful observations with increased complexity.
· Take measurements, using a range of scientific equipment, with increasing accuracy and precision, taking repeat readings when appropriate.
· Record data and results of increasing complexity using scientific diagrams and labels, classification keys, tables, scatter graphs, bar and line graphs.
· Report and present findings from enquiries, including conclusions, causal relationships and explanations of and a degree of trust in results, in oral and written forms such as displays and other presentations.
· Use scientific evidence to answer questions.
· Make conclusions based on scientific evidence and from their own testing and findings.
· Identify scientific evidence that has been used to support or refute ideas or arguments.
· Use test results to make predictions to set up further comparative and fair tests.
· Suggest investigation improvements including accuracy of results.
· Provide some simple examples of how to extend the investigation